126 Nanoindentation study of the Pb-free solders in fine pitch interconnects Author(s): K. Mohankumar, A.A.O. Tay (Affiliation: Dept. of Mech. Eng., National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore) Editor(s): K.C.Toh, Y.C.Mui, J.How, J.H.L.Pang Conference: Proceedings of 6th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2004), Singapore Conference Date: 8-10 Dec. 2004 Publication: Proceedings of 6th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2004) (IEEE Cat. No.04EX971) Publisher: IEEE, USA, 2004 Language: English ISBN: 0 7803 8821 6 Page: 483-9 Document type: Conference paper Abstract: Sn-Ag/Au/Ni-P/Cu, Sn-Ag-Cu/Au/Ni-P/Cu, Sn-Ag-Bi/Au/Ni-P/Cu diffusion couples were prepared and subjected tosolid stage aging at temp 170°C for 45 days. The intermetalliccompound (IMC) formed at the interface of solder/substratewere characterised using SEM and their mechanicalproperties were measured at different strain state by usinginstrumented nanoindentation technique. The hardness andYoung's modulus of different IMCs formed during reflow andaging were calculated from their load-displacement data. Thedeformation mechanisms operating at the small length scalesof IMCs has been studied in the present work (17 refs.) Inspec No.: 8256069 127 InGaN nano-ring structures for high-efficiency light emitting diodes Author(s): H.W. Choi, C.W. Jeon, C. Liu, I.M. Watson, M.D. Dawson (Affiliation: Inst. of Photonics, Univ. of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK), P.R. Edwards, R.W. Martin, S. Tripathy, S.J. Chua Journal: Appl. Phys. Lett. (USA), vol.86, no.2, p.21101-1-3 (10 Jan. 2005) Publisher: AIP, USA Language: English ISSN: 0003-6951, Full text Document type: Journal article Abstract: A technique based on the Fresnel diffraction effectfor the fabrication of nano-scale site-controlled ring structuresin InGaN/GaN multi-quantum well structures has beendemonstrated. The ring structures have an internal diameter of500 nm and a wall width of 300 nm. A 1 cm -1 Raman shift hasbeen measured, signifying substantial strain relaxation fromthe fabricated structure. The 9 nm blueshift observed in thecathodoluminescence spectra can be attributed to band fillingand/or screening of the piezoelectric field. A light emittingdiode based on this geometry has been demonstrated (9 refs.) Inspec No.: 8247147 128 Waveguide structures based on porous indium phosphide Author(s): S. Langa, S. Frey, J. Carstensen, H. Foll (Affiliation: Fac. of Eng., Christian-Albrechts Univ., Kiel, Germany), I.M. Tiginyanu, M. Hermann, G. Bottger Journal: Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. (USA), vol.8, no.2, p. C30-2 (Feb. 2005) Publisher: Electrochem. Soc, USA Language: English ISSN: 1099-0062, Full text Document type: Journal article Abstract: We researched the possibilities for engineering themorphology of porous structures in n-InP. Lithographicpatterning of the sample surface before anodic etching wasshown to modify considerably the electric field distributionwhich, in its turn, defined the direction of pore growth insidethe specimen. We show that local formation of the nucleationlayer combined with the possibility to introduce current-lineoriented pores in a controlled manner represents a promisingtool for manufacturing waveguide structures based on porousInP. Some results on simulation of the properties of thesestructures are presented (14 refs.) Inspec No.: 8249221 129 Rapidly selective growth of nanoparticles by electron-beam and optical lithographies with chemically amplified resists Author(s): H.L. Chen (Affiliation: Dept. of Mater. Sci. & Eng., Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan), Y.H. Chu, C.I. Kuo, F.K. Liu, F.H. Ko, T.C. Chu Journal: Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. (USA), vol.8, no.2, p. G54-6 (Feb. 2005) Publisher: Electrochem. Soc, USA Language: English ISSN: 1099-0062, Full text Document type: Journal article Abstract: Rapidly and precisely selective growth of selfassemblednanoparticles using an electron-beam or opticalexposure system with commercial chemically amplified resistswas demonstrated. The required exposure dosage was lessthan 10 ìC/cm2 for patterning chemically amplified resists. Byimmersing the patterned resist sample in the nanoparticlecolloidal solution, nanoparticles were selectively selfassembledon the (3-aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane layer,which was partially covered by the patterned resist layer. Theselective growth area can be performed from several hundredmicrometers to sub-50 nm. This method has great potential tobe used for rapidly selective growth of various nanoparticles ornanomaterials (16 refs.) Inspec No.: 8249237 130 Analysis and compensation of proximity effect in MEMS with e-beam lithography Author(s): Yin Ming, Zhang Yulin (Affiliation: Sch. of Control Sci. & Eng., Shandong Univ., Jinan, China), Cheng Jianhui Journal: Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (China), vol.40, no.9, p.67-70 (Sept. 2004) Publisher: Chinese J. Mech. Eng, China Language: English ISSN: 0577-6686 Document type: Journal article Abstract: E-beam irradiation changes the molecular weight ofthe resist by inducing chemical changes in the film, whichleads to the undesired exposure-area and non-uniform desiredarea. This is commonly called as "proximity effect". Theproximity effect in the SDS-3 e-beam lithography system isverified by experiments. All exposures are made with 5~30 kVbeam accelerating in Si and PMMA resist. After correction, theparameter ç decreases by 30% and giving pictures ofexperiment (9 refs.) Inspec No.: 8247596 131 Fabrication of wafer-level nano-optics Author(s): G.A. Riley (Affiliation: FlipChips Dot Com, Worcester, MA, USA) Journal: Adv. Packag. (USA), vol.13, no.11, p.18-25 (Nov. 2004) Publisher: PennWell Publishing, USA Language: English ISSN: 1065-0555 Document type: Journal article Abstract: Embossing has changed with respect toapplications, materials used, and the scale of the design.Today's embossed patterns may have features measured innanometers, bringing new capabilities to integrated opticalsystems. Nano-embossing, often referred to as nano-imprintlithography (NIL), can rapidly pattern relatively large areasubstrates with feature sizes below 100 nm. Creating patternsat this scale previously required far slower and more costlytechniques such as electron-beam writing. NIL, used incombination with related technologies, can create an entirewafer of integrated optical structures with nanometer featuresin minutes. Wafer-level NIL promises reductions in the size,cost and complexity of integrated optics, while improvingperformance. Integrating embossed components on a waferoffers major size reductions. Producing truly "monolithic"optical systems could reduce centimeter-sized systems tomillimeter-sized die. Optical performance is improved bylocating components physically closer together, reducing theoptical path length and the attendant losses (10 refs.) Inspec No.: 8248651

Semiconductor Devices - Miscellaneous articles, abstracts, technical notes, letters, publications
HTE Labs  


126 Nanoindentation study of the Pb-free solders in fine pitch interconnects
Author(s): K. Mohankumar, A.A.O. Tay (Affiliation: Dept. of Mech. Eng., National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore)
Editor(s): K.C.Toh, Y.C.Mui, J.How, J.H.L.Pang
Conference: Proceedings of 6th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2004), Singapore
Conference Date: 8-10 Dec. 2004
Publication: Proceedings of 6th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2004) (IEEE Cat. No.04EX971)
Publisher: IEEE, USA, 2004
Language: English
ISBN: 0 7803 8821 6 Page: 483-9
Document type: Conference paper
Abstract: Sn-Ag/Au/Ni-P/Cu, Sn-Ag-Cu/Au/Ni-P/Cu, Sn-Ag-Bi/Au/Ni-P/Cu diffusion couples were prepared and subjected tosolid stage aging at temp 170°C for 45 days. The intermetalliccompound (IMC) formed at the interface of solder/substratewere characterised using SEM and their mechanicalproperties were measured at different strain state by usinginstrumented nanoindentation technique. The hardness andYoung's modulus of different IMCs formed during reflow andaging were calculated from their load-displacement data. Thedeformation mechanisms operating at the small length scalesof IMCs has been studied in the present work (17 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8256069

127 InGaN nano-ring structures for high-efficiency light emitting diodes
Author(s): H.W. Choi, C.W. Jeon, C. Liu, I.M. Watson, M.D. Dawson (Affiliation: Inst. of Photonics, Univ. of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK), P.R. Edwards, R.W. Martin, S. Tripathy, S.J. Chua
Journal: Appl. Phys. Lett. (USA), vol.86, no.2, p.21101-1-3 (10 Jan. 2005)
Publisher: AIP, USA
Language: English
ISSN: 0003-6951, Full text
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: A technique based on the Fresnel diffraction effectfor the fabrication of nano-scale site-controlled ring structuresin InGaN/GaN multi-quantum well structures has beendemonstrated. The ring structures have an internal diameter of500 nm and a wall width of 300 nm. A 1 cm -1 Raman shift hasbeen measured, signifying substantial strain relaxation fromthe fabricated structure. The 9 nm blueshift observed in thecathodoluminescence spectra can be attributed to band fillingand/or screening of the piezoelectric field. A light emittingdiode based on this geometry has been demonstrated (9 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8247147

128 Waveguide structures based on porous indium phosphide
Author(s): S. Langa, S. Frey, J. Carstensen, H. Foll (Affiliation: Fac. of Eng., Christian-Albrechts Univ., Kiel, Germany), I.M. Tiginyanu, M. Hermann, G. Bottger
Journal: Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. (USA), vol.8, no.2, p. C30-2 (Feb. 2005)
Publisher: Electrochem. Soc, USA
Language: English
ISSN: 1099-0062, Full text
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: We researched the possibilities for engineering themorphology of porous structures in n-InP. Lithographicpatterning of the sample surface before anodic etching wasshown to modify considerably the electric field distributionwhich, in its turn, defined the direction of pore growth insidethe specimen. We show that local formation of the nucleationlayer combined with the possibility to introduce current-lineoriented pores in a controlled manner represents a promisingtool for manufacturing waveguide structures based on porousInP. Some results on simulation of the properties of thesestructures are presented (14 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8249221

129 Rapidly selective growth of nanoparticles by electron-beam and optical lithographies with chemically amplified resists
Author(s): H.L. Chen (Affiliation: Dept. of Mater. Sci. & Eng., Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan), Y.H. Chu, C.I. Kuo, F.K. Liu, F.H. Ko, T.C. Chu
Journal: Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. (USA), vol.8, no.2, p. G54-6 (Feb. 2005)
Publisher: Electrochem. Soc, USA
Language: English
ISSN: 1099-0062, Full text
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: Rapidly and precisely selective growth of selfassemblednanoparticles using an electron-beam or opticalexposure system with commercial chemically amplified resistswas demonstrated. The required exposure dosage was lessthan 10 ìC/cm2 for patterning chemically amplified resists. Byimmersing the patterned resist sample in the nanoparticlecolloidal solution, nanoparticles were selectively selfassembledon the (3-aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane layer,which was partially covered by the patterned resist layer. Theselective growth area can be performed from several hundredmicrometers to sub-50 nm. This method has great potential tobe used for rapidly selective growth of various nanoparticles ornanomaterials (16 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8249237

130 Analysis and compensation of proximity effect in MEMS with e-beam lithography
Author(s): Yin Ming, Zhang Yulin (Affiliation: Sch. of Control Sci. & Eng., Shandong Univ., Jinan, China), Cheng Jianhui
Journal: Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (China), vol.40, no.9, p.67-70 (Sept. 2004)
Publisher: Chinese J. Mech. Eng, China
Language: English
ISSN: 0577-6686
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: E-beam irradiation changes the molecular weight ofthe resist by inducing chemical changes in the film, whichleads to the undesired exposure-area and non-uniform desiredarea. This is commonly called as "proximity effect". Theproximity effect in the SDS-3 e-beam lithography system isverified by experiments. All exposures are made with 5~30 kVbeam accelerating in Si and PMMA resist. After correction, theparameter ç decreases by 30% and giving pictures ofexperiment (9 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8247596

131 Fabrication of wafer-level nano-optics
Author(s): G.A. Riley (Affiliation: FlipChips Dot Com, Worcester, MA, USA)
Journal: Adv. Packag. (USA), vol.13, no.11, p.18-25 (Nov. 2004)
Publisher: PennWell Publishing, USA
Language: English
ISSN: 1065-0555
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: Embossing has changed with respect toapplications, materials used, and the scale of the design.Today's embossed patterns may have features measured innanometers, bringing new capabilities to integrated opticalsystems. Nano-embossing, often referred to as nano-imprintlithography (NIL), can rapidly pattern relatively large areasubstrates with feature sizes below 100 nm. Creating patternsat this scale previously required far slower and more costlytechniques such as electron-beam writing. NIL, used incombination with related technologies, can create an entirewafer of integrated optical structures with nanometer featuresin minutes. Wafer-level NIL promises reductions in the size,cost and complexity of integrated optics, while improvingperformance. Integrating embossed components on a waferoffers major size reductions. Producing truly "monolithic"optical systems could reduce centimeter-sized systems tomillimeter-sized die. Optical performance is improved bylocating components physically closer together, reducing theoptical path length and the attendant losses (10 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8248651

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