132 Line-profile and critical-dimension monitoring using a normal incidence optical CD metrology Author(s): Weidong Yang, Jiangtao Hu, R. Lowe-Webb, R. Korlahalli, D. Shivaprasad (Affiliation: Nanometrics Inc., Milpitas, CA, USA), H. Sasano, Wei Liu, D.S.L. Mui Journal: IEEE Trans. Semicond. Manuf. (USA), vol.17, no.4, p.564-72 (Nov. 2004) Publisher: IEEE, USA Language: English ISSN: 0894-6507, Full text Document type: Journal article Abstract: As lithographic technology drives the minimumintegrated circuit feature size toward 0.1 ìm and below,process tolerances for critical-dimension profile excursion arebecoming increasingly demanding. In response, optical criticaldimension metrology (OCD), an optical-wavelength lightdiffractiontechnique, is emerging as a fast, accurate, andnondestructive sub-100-nm linewidth and profile monitor. Assuch, a detailed understanding of the correlation betweenOCD and existing metrology tools is required. Correlationbetween CD measurements using OCD and CD-scanningelectron microscopy (SEM) techniques is investigated bymeasuring two types of important structures, e.g., photoresistgratings on a polysilicon gate film stack and shallow trenchisolation. Intragrating CD variation is shown to account forscatter in the correlation plot. A qualitative line-profilecorrelation between cross-section SEM (X-SEM) and OCD ispresented for photoresist gratings in a focus exposure matrix.Finally, a summary of the capability of OCD as a monitor forvarious processing stages is presented (9 refs.) Inspec No.: 8251710 133 A reliable method for fabricating sub-10 nm gap junctions without using electron beam lithography Author(s): Y. Naitoh (Affiliation: Motorola Lab., Motorola Japan Ltd., Tokyo, Japan), K. Tsukagoshi, K. Murata, W. Mizutani Journal: e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotechnol. (Japan), vol.1 (2003) Publisher: Surface Sci. Soc. Japan, Japan Language: English ISSN: 0000-0957 Document type: Journal article Abstract: We demonstrate a high yield production scheme tofabricate sub-10 nm co-planar metal-insulator-metal junctionswithout using electron beam lithography. The fabricatingprocedure contains two photolithographies followed byshadow evaporation. Ultrasmall gaps were formed in thecrossing region of the two metal layers during the evaporationof the second layer. The sizes of the gaps were estimatedusing scanning electron microscopy images. Poly (3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) layers were deposited on thejunctions using a special ink-jet technique. The results of theconductivity measurement of the molecular layer indicate thatthese junctions can be used in the study of molecular sensors(12 refs.) Inspec No.: 8250140 134 Fabrication of polymer photonic crystals by twophoton nanolithography Author(s): Tae-Woo Lee, O. Mitrofanov, C.A. White, J.W.P. Hsu (Affiliation: Lucent Technol., Bell Labs., Murray Hill, NJ, USA) Editor(s): O.D.Velev, T.J.Bunning, Y.Xia, P.Yang Conference: Unconventional Approaches to Nanostructures with Applications in Electronics, Photonics, Information Storage and Sensing Symposium, San Francisco, CA, USA Conference Date: 21-25 April 2003 Publication: Unconventional Approaches to Nanostructures with Applications in Electronics, Photonics, Information Storage and Sensing Symposium (Mater. Res. Soc. Symposium Proceedings Vol.776) Publisher: Mater. Res. Soc, USA, 2003 Language: English ISBN: 1 55899 713 X Page: 143-8 Document type: Conference paper Abstract: We use a two-photon laser-scanning microscope tofabricate two-dimensional (2D) photonic crystal structures incommercially available SU-8 polymer films, and successfullydemonstrate making nanostructures beyond the diffractionlimit with high aspect ratios. By varying the laser beam power,scanning speed, focal depth, line spacing and scanningangles, we obtain 2D photonic crystals with circular, elliptical,rectangular, or diamond-shape unit cells in a hexagonal orsquare lattice. An aspect ratio as high as 6.9 with 250 nm linewidth was achieved. In addition, we can controllably placedefects of specific patterns, e.g. lines, dots, and Y-splitters, inthe otherwise perfect photonic crystal. We also combine twophotonnanolithography with conventional UVphotolithography to make 2D photonic crystals betweenwaveguides. The combination of these two lithographymethods was done on a single polymer film, suggestingpotential for easy fabrication of complex photonic devices (8refs.) Inspec No.: 8253442

Semiconductor Devices - Miscellaneous articles, abstracts, technical notes, letters, publications
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132 Line-profile and critical-dimension monitoring using a normal incidence optical CD metrology
Author(s): Weidong Yang, Jiangtao Hu, R. Lowe-Webb, R. Korlahalli, D. Shivaprasad (Affiliation: Nanometrics Inc., Milpitas, CA, USA), H. Sasano, Wei Liu, D.S.L. Mui
Journal: IEEE Trans. Semicond. Manuf. (USA), vol.17, no.4, p.564-72 (Nov. 2004)
Publisher: IEEE, USA
Language: English
ISSN: 0894-6507, Full text
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: As lithographic technology drives the minimumintegrated circuit feature size toward 0.1 ìm and below,process tolerances for critical-dimension profile excursion arebecoming increasingly demanding. In response, optical criticaldimension metrology (OCD), an optical-wavelength lightdiffractiontechnique, is emerging as a fast, accurate, andnondestructive sub-100-nm linewidth and profile monitor. Assuch, a detailed understanding of the correlation betweenOCD and existing metrology tools is required. Correlationbetween CD measurements using OCD and CD-scanningelectron microscopy (SEM) techniques is investigated bymeasuring two types of important structures, e.g., photoresistgratings on a polysilicon gate film stack and shallow trenchisolation. Intragrating CD variation is shown to account forscatter in the correlation plot. A qualitative line-profilecorrelation between cross-section SEM (X-SEM) and OCD ispresented for photoresist gratings in a focus exposure matrix.Finally, a summary of the capability of OCD as a monitor forvarious processing stages is presented (9 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8251710

133 A reliable method for fabricating sub-10 nm gap junctions without using electron beam lithography
Author(s): Y. Naitoh (Affiliation: Motorola Lab., Motorola Japan Ltd., Tokyo, Japan), K. Tsukagoshi, K. Murata, W. Mizutani
Journal: e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotechnol. (Japan), vol.1 (2003)
Publisher: Surface Sci. Soc. Japan, Japan
Language: English
ISSN: 0000-0957
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: We demonstrate a high yield production scheme tofabricate sub-10 nm co-planar metal-insulator-metal junctionswithout using electron beam lithography. The fabricatingprocedure contains two photolithographies followed byshadow evaporation. Ultrasmall gaps were formed in thecrossing region of the two metal layers during the evaporationof the second layer. The sizes of the gaps were estimatedusing scanning electron microscopy images. Poly (3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) layers were deposited on thejunctions using a special ink-jet technique. The results of theconductivity measurement of the molecular layer indicate thatthese junctions can be used in the study of molecular sensors(12 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8250140

134 Fabrication of polymer photonic crystals by twophoton nanolithography
Author(s): Tae-Woo Lee, O. Mitrofanov, C.A. White, J.W.P. Hsu (Affiliation: Lucent Technol., Bell Labs., Murray Hill, NJ, USA)
Editor(s): O.D.Velev, T.J.Bunning, Y.Xia, P.Yang
Conference: Unconventional Approaches to Nanostructures with Applications in Electronics, Photonics, Information Storage and Sensing Symposium, San Francisco, CA, USA
Conference Date: 21-25 April 2003
Publication: Unconventional Approaches to Nanostructures with Applications in Electronics, Photonics, Information Storage and Sensing Symposium (Mater. Res. Soc. Symposium Proceedings Vol.776)
Publisher: Mater. Res. Soc, USA, 2003
Language: English
ISBN: 1 55899 713 X Page: 143-8
Document type: Conference paper
Abstract: We use a two-photon laser-scanning microscope tofabricate two-dimensional (2D) photonic crystal structures incommercially available SU-8 polymer films, and successfullydemonstrate making nanostructures beyond the diffractionlimit with high aspect ratios. By varying the laser beam power,scanning speed, focal depth, line spacing and scanningangles, we obtain 2D photonic crystals with circular, elliptical,rectangular, or diamond-shape unit cells in a hexagonal orsquare lattice. An aspect ratio as high as 6.9 with 250 nm linewidth was achieved. In addition, we can controllably placedefects of specific patterns, e.g. lines, dots, and Y-splitters, inthe otherwise perfect photonic crystal. We also combine twophotonnanolithography with conventional UVphotolithography to make 2D photonic crystals betweenwaveguides. The combination of these two lithographymethods was done on a single polymer film, suggestingpotential for easy fabrication of complex photonic devices (8refs.)
Inspec No.: 8253442

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