135 Design optimization of high breakdown voltage AlGaN-GaN power HEMT on an insulating substrate for RONA-VB tradeoff characteristics Author(s): W. Saito (Affiliation: Semicond. Co., Toshiba Corp., Kawasaki, Japan), M. Kuraguchi, Y. Takada, K. Tsuda, I. Omura, T. Ogura Journal: IEEE Trans. Electron Devices (USA), vol.52, no.1, p.106-11 (Jan. 2005) Publisher: IEEE, USA Language: English ISSN: 0018-9383, Full text Document type: Journal article Abstract: High breakdown voltage AlGaN-GaN power highelectronmobility transistors (HEMTs) on an insulatingsubstrate were designed for the power electronics application.The field plate structure was employed for high breakdownvoltage. The field plate length, the insulator thickness andAlGaN layer doping concentration were design parameters forthe breakdown voltage. The optimization of the contact lengthand contact resistivity reduction were effective to reduce thespecific on-resistance. The tradeoff characteristics betweenthe on-resistance and the breakdown voltage can be improvedby the optimization of the above design parameters, and theon-resistance can be estimated to be about 0.6 mÙ·cm2 forthe breakdown voltage of 600 V. This on-resistance is almostthe same as that for the device on a conductive substrate (18refs.) Inspec No.: 8249850 136 Design and fabrication of RESURF MOSFETs on 4H-SiC(0001), (112¯0), and 6H-SiC(0001) Author(s): T. Kimoto, H. Kosugi, J. Suda, Y. Kanzaki, H. Matsunami (Affiliation: Dept. of Electron. Sci. & Eng., Kyoto Univ., Japan) Journal: IEEE Trans. Electron Devices (USA), vol.52, no.1, p.112-17 (Jan. 2005) Publisher: IEEE, USA Language: English ISSN: 0018-9383, Full text Document type: Journal article Abstract: Design and fabrication of lateral SiC reduced surfacefield (RESURF) MOSFETs have been investigated. Thedoping concentration (dose) of the RESURF and lightly dopeddrain regions has been optimized to reduce the electric fieldcrowding at the drain edge or in the gate oxide by usingdevice simulation. The optimum oxidation condition dependson the polytype: N2O oxidation at 1300°C seems to besuitable for 4H-SiC, and dry O2 oxidation at 1250°C for 6HSiC.The average inversion-channel mobility is 22, 78, and 68cm 2/Vs for 4H-SiC(0001), (112¯0), and 6H-SiC(0001)MOSFETs, respectively. RESURF MOSFETs have beenfabricated on 10-ìm-thick p-type 4H-SiC(0001), (112¯0), and6H-SiC(0001) epilayers with an acceptor concentration of1×1016 cm -3. A 6H-SiC(0001) RESURF MOSFET with a 3-ìmchannel length exhibits a high breakdown voltage of 1620 Vand an on-resistance of 234 mÙ·cm2. A 4H-SiC(112¯0)RESURF MOSFET shows the characteristics of 1230 V-138mÙ·cm2 (23 refs.) Inspec No.: 8249851 137 RF power performance of an LDMOSFET on high-resistivity SOI Author(s): J.G. Fiorenza, J.A. del Alamo (Affiliation: Massachusetts Inst. of Technol., Cambridge, MA, USA) Journal: IEEE Electron Device Lett. (USA), vol.26, no.1, p.29-31 (Jan. 2005) Publisher: IEEE, USA Language: English ISSN: 0741-3106, Full text Document type: Journal article Abstract: This paper describes the RF power performance ofan LDMOSFET technology on high-resistivity silicon-oninsulatorwafers. The technology has an on-state breakdownvoltage of greater than 10 V, and an off-state breakdownvoltage of greater than 20 V. This device technology is shownto have excellent RF power characteristics at frequencies from1.9 to 5.8 GHz. At 1.9 GHz, a peak power-added efficiency(PAE) of 63% was achieved with an output power of up to 520mW from a single RF power cell. At 5.8 GHz, a peak PAE of35% was achieved with an output power of up to 125 mWfrom a single RF power cell (7 refs.) Inspec No.: 8250022 138 Package for high-power transistors Author(s): C. Schweitzer Journal: Elektron. Ind. (Germany), vol.35, no.10, p.46-7 (Oct. 2004) Publisher: Huthig, Germany Language: German ISSN: 0374-3144 Document type: Journal article Abstract: Describes the type PowerSO8 power transistorpackage, which includes a "heat slug" cooling fin. Applicationsas FET power transistor housings are listed, and transistorspecifications are presented, including that of type STJ2NM60from STMicroelectronics company, with withstand voltage of600V. Dynamic thermal response is stated as 0.125 degK perwatt Inspec No.: 8248436 139 A hybrid synchronous high current switching device Author(s): C.-J. Fenz, G. Brauner, C. Faltin, C. Krall (Affiliation: Osterreichische Forchungs- und Prufzentrum Arsenal GmbH, Vienna, Austria), F.A. Himmelstoss Conference: EPE-PEMC 2004 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Riga, Latvia Conference Date: 2-4 Sept. 2004 Sponsor(s): SIEMENS; FESTO; Latvian Council of Sci.; Latvijas Gaze; ARCUS Elektronika; Rebir; ABB; ELWO; TTP Publication: EPE-PEMC 2004 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference Publisher: Riga Tech. Univ, Latvia, 2004 Language: English ISBN: 9984 32 022 7 Page: 2/7-12 Vol.2 Document type: Conference paper Abstract: In high current testing laboratories switching systemswith a current capability of up to 100 kA rms and a switchingaccuracy of about one degree electrical are needed.Mechanical switches are able to conduct the current, but thevariance of the switching time is too high for such anapplication. A silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) is not able toconduct the desired current for more than a few milliseconds.Thus the advantages of both the mechanical switch and theSCR are combined in a hybrid switch by mounting them inparallel. Single phase prototypes for 100 kA rms were built.The developed prototypes are described and measuringresults are presented in this paper (4 refs.) Inspec No.: 8254047 140 ShOC rectifier: a new metal-semiconductor device with excellent forward and reverse characteristics Author(s): M.J. Kumar (Affiliation: Dept. of Electr. Eng., Indian Inst. of Technol., New Delhi, India) Journal: IEEE Trans. Electron Devices (USA), vol.52, no.1, p.130-2 (Jan. 2005) Publisher: IEEE, USA Language: English ISSN: 0018-9383, Full text Document type: Journal article Abstract: We report a new structure, called the shielded ohmiccontact (ShOC) rectifier which utilizes trenches filled with ahigh-barrier metal to shield an Ohmic contact during thereverse bias. When the device is forward biased, the ohmiccontact conducts with a low forward drop. However, whenreverse biased, the Ohmic contact is completely shielded bythe high-barrier Schottky contact resulting in a low reverseleakage current. Two dimensional numerical simulation isused to evaluate and explain the superior performance of theproposed ShOC rectifier (7 refs.) Inspec No.: 8249856

Semiconductor Devices - Miscellaneous articles, abstracts, technical notes, letters, publications
HTE Labs  


135 Design optimization of high breakdown voltage AlGaN-GaN power HEMT on an insulating substrate for RONA-VB tradeoff characteristics
Author(s): W. Saito (Affiliation: Semicond. Co., Toshiba Corp., Kawasaki, Japan), M. Kuraguchi, Y. Takada, K. Tsuda, I. Omura, T. Ogura
Journal: IEEE Trans. Electron Devices (USA), vol.52, no.1, p.106-11 (Jan. 2005)
Publisher: IEEE, USA
Language: English
ISSN: 0018-9383, Full text
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: High breakdown voltage AlGaN-GaN power highelectronmobility transistors (HEMTs) on an insulatingsubstrate were designed for the power electronics application.The field plate structure was employed for high breakdownvoltage. The field plate length, the insulator thickness andAlGaN layer doping concentration were design parameters forthe breakdown voltage. The optimization of the contact lengthand contact resistivity reduction were effective to reduce thespecific on-resistance. The tradeoff characteristics betweenthe on-resistance and the breakdown voltage can be improvedby the optimization of the above design parameters, and theon-resistance can be estimated to be about 0.6 mÙ·cm2 forthe breakdown voltage of 600 V. This on-resistance is almostthe same as that for the device on a conductive substrate (18refs.)
Inspec No.: 8249850

136 Design and fabrication of RESURF MOSFETs on 4H-SiC(0001), (112¯0), and 6H-SiC(0001)
Author(s): T. Kimoto, H. Kosugi, J. Suda, Y. Kanzaki, H. Matsunami (Affiliation: Dept. of Electron. Sci. & Eng., Kyoto Univ., Japan)
Journal: IEEE Trans. Electron Devices (USA), vol.52, no.1, p.112-17 (Jan. 2005)
Publisher: IEEE, USA
Language: English
ISSN: 0018-9383, Full text
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: Design and fabrication of lateral SiC reduced surfacefield (RESURF) MOSFETs have been investigated. Thedoping concentration (dose) of the RESURF and lightly dopeddrain regions has been optimized to reduce the electric fieldcrowding at the drain edge or in the gate oxide by usingdevice simulation. The optimum oxidation condition dependson the polytype: N2O oxidation at 1300°C seems to besuitable for 4H-SiC, and dry O2 oxidation at 1250°C for 6HSiC.The average inversion-channel mobility is 22, 78, and 68cm 2/Vs for 4H-SiC(0001), (112¯0), and 6H-SiC(0001)MOSFETs, respectively. RESURF MOSFETs have beenfabricated on 10-ìm-thick p-type 4H-SiC(0001), (112¯0), and6H-SiC(0001) epilayers with an acceptor concentration of1×1016 cm -3. A 6H-SiC(0001) RESURF MOSFET with a 3-ìmchannel length exhibits a high breakdown voltage of 1620 Vand an on-resistance of 234 mÙ·cm2. A 4H-SiC(112¯0)RESURF MOSFET shows the characteristics of 1230 V-138mÙ·cm2 (23 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8249851

137 RF power performance of an LDMOSFET on high-resistivity SOI
Author(s): J.G. Fiorenza, J.A. del Alamo (Affiliation: Massachusetts Inst. of Technol., Cambridge, MA, USA)
Journal: IEEE Electron Device Lett. (USA), vol.26, no.1, p.29-31 (Jan. 2005)
Publisher: IEEE, USA
Language: English
ISSN: 0741-3106, Full text
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: This paper describes the RF power performance ofan LDMOSFET technology on high-resistivity silicon-oninsulatorwafers. The technology has an on-state breakdownvoltage of greater than 10 V, and an off-state breakdownvoltage of greater than 20 V. This device technology is shownto have excellent RF power characteristics at frequencies from1.9 to 5.8 GHz. At 1.9 GHz, a peak power-added efficiency(PAE) of 63% was achieved with an output power of up to 520mW from a single RF power cell. At 5.8 GHz, a peak PAE of35% was achieved with an output power of up to 125 mWfrom a single RF power cell (7 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8250022

138 Package for high-power transistors
Author(s): C. Schweitzer
Journal: Elektron. Ind. (Germany), vol.35, no.10, p.46-7 (Oct. 2004)
Publisher: Huthig, Germany
Language: German
ISSN: 0374-3144
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: Describes the type PowerSO8 power transistorpackage, which includes a "heat slug" cooling fin. Applicationsas FET power transistor housings are listed, and transistorspecifications are presented, including that of type STJ2NM60from STMicroelectronics company, with withstand voltage of600V. Dynamic thermal response is stated as 0.125 degK perwatt
Inspec No.: 8248436

139 A hybrid synchronous high current switching device
Author(s): C.-J. Fenz, G. Brauner, C. Faltin, C. Krall (Affiliation: Osterreichische Forchungs- und Prufzentrum Arsenal GmbH, Vienna, Austria), F.A. Himmelstoss
Conference: EPE-PEMC 2004 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Riga, Latvia
Conference Date: 2-4 Sept. 2004
Sponsor(s): SIEMENS; FESTO; Latvian Council of Sci.; Latvijas Gaze; ARCUS Elektronika; Rebir; ABB; ELWO; TTP
Publication: EPE-PEMC 2004 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference
Publisher: Riga Tech. Univ, Latvia, 2004
Language: English
ISBN: 9984 32 022 7 Page: 2/7-12 Vol.2
Document type: Conference paper
Abstract: In high current testing laboratories switching systemswith a current capability of up to 100 kA rms and a switchingaccuracy of about one degree electrical are needed.Mechanical switches are able to conduct the current, but thevariance of the switching time is too high for such anapplication. A silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) is not able toconduct the desired current for more than a few milliseconds.Thus the advantages of both the mechanical switch and theSCR are combined in a hybrid switch by mounting them inparallel. Single phase prototypes for 100 kA rms were built.The developed prototypes are described and measuringresults are presented in this paper (4 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8254047

140 ShOC rectifier: a new metal-semiconductor device with excellent forward and reverse characteristics
Author(s): M.J. Kumar (Affiliation: Dept. of Electr. Eng., Indian Inst. of Technol., New Delhi, India)
Journal: IEEE Trans. Electron Devices (USA), vol.52, no.1, p.130-2 (Jan. 2005)
Publisher: IEEE, USA
Language: English
ISSN: 0018-9383, Full text
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: We report a new structure, called the shielded ohmiccontact (ShOC) rectifier which utilizes trenches filled with ahigh-barrier metal to shield an Ohmic contact during thereverse bias. When the device is forward biased, the ohmiccontact conducts with a low forward drop. However, whenreverse biased, the Ohmic contact is completely shielded bythe high-barrier Schottky contact resulting in a low reverseleakage current. Two dimensional numerical simulation isused to evaluate and explain the superior performance of theproposed ShOC rectifier (7 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8249856

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