155 A simple and efficient parameter extraction procedure for physics based IGBT models Author(s): R. Chibante (Affiliation: Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal), A. Araujo, A. Carvalho Conference: EPE-PEMC 2004 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Riga, Latvia Conference Date: 2-4 Sept. 2004 Sponsor(s): SIEMENS; FESTO; Latvian Council of Sci.; Latvijas Gaze; ARCUS Elektronika; Rebir; ABB; ELWO; TTP Publication: EPE-PEMC 2004 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference Publisher: Riga Tech. Univ, Latvia, 2004 Language: English ISBN: 9984 32 022 7 Page: 2/40-8 Vol.2 Document type: Conference paper Abstract: Extraction of parameters for models of powersemiconductors is a need for researchers working withdevelopment of power circuits. One of the drawbacks ofphysics based models is how to extract the numerousparameters to describe the model. Different approaches havebeen taken, most of them cumbersome to be solved. Thispaper presents a simple and accurate method of parameterextraction for physics based IGBT models. The procedure,based on an optimization algorithm (simulated annealing), iseasy to implement and is efficient for extraction of a largenumber of parameters needed for physics based IGBTmodels, only requiring some experimental points of DC andresistive load characteristics. It is validated by comparingexperimental and simulated results, at various operatingconditions, using a finite element, physics based, IGBT model(13 refs.) Inspec No.: 8254052 156 Express-method and thermal resistance measurement equipment Author(s): V.M. Gartsbeyn, S.V. Ivanov, N.F. MAramygin, L.V. Romanovskaya, S.N. Florentsev (Affiliation: SIE "INELS" Ltd., Moscow, Russia ) Conference: EPE-PEMC 2004 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Riga, Latvia Conference Date: 2-4 Sept. 2004 Sponsor(s): SIEMENS; FESTO; Latvian Council of Sci.; Latvijas Gaze; ARCUS Elektronika; Rebir; ABB; ELWO; TTP Publication: EPE-PEMC 2004 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference Publisher: Riga Tech. Univ, Latvia, 2004 Language: English ISBN: 9984 32 022 7 Page: 2/76-9 Vol.2 Document type: Conference paper Abstract: The express-method of thermal resistancemeasurement in power semiconductor modules is submitted.The method is based on continuous measurement ofsemiconductor element (IGBT, FRD) temperature-dependentparameter and temperature of the power module baseplatewhilst heating the semiconductor by a current up to Tjmax andfollowing compulsory cooling down to Ta. During thesubsequent calculations Rthjc and its components R0C0 , R1C1,R2C2 of thermal model are calculated for all layers in themodule: semiconductors chip - DCB-ceramics - baseplate.The results of modeling by means of finite elements methodare described. The automated measurement equipmentrealizing the developed method are presented. The results ofcalculations and experiments are given, showing the matchingof modeling results and measurement by classical anddeveloped express-method (6 refs.) Inspec No.: 8254059 157 The optimization of relative current sensitivity of bipolar magnetotransistor Author(s): A.V. Kozlov (Affiliation: Moscow State Inst. of Electron. Technol., Russia), R.D. Tikhonov Conference: EPE-PEMC 2004 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Riga, Latvia Conference Date: 2-4 Sept. 2004 Sponsor(s): SIEMENS; FESTO; Latvian Council of Sci.; Latvijas Gaze; ARCUS Elektronika; Rebir; ABB; ELWO; TTP Publication: EPE-PEMC 2004 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference Publisher: Riga Tech. Univ, Latvia, 2004 Language: English ISBN: 9984 32 022 7 Page: 2/95-8 Vol.2 Document type: Conference paper Abstract: Using the methods of numerical device-and-processsimulation we investigated the current distribution and therelative and absolute current sensitivity of the lateral bipolardual-collector magnetotransistor (BMT) made in the diffusionwell and with the substrate and well contacts connected Theanalysis of the current flow at low injection level revealed thenegative sensitivity mechanism. The negative relative currentsensitivity appears in BMT as a result of the involved inrecombination electron and hole flows redistribution inducedby magnetic field, i.e., as the result of concentrationrecombinationmechanism of magnetosensitivity. Theoptimization of structure of BMT allows increasing the maximalmeaning of relative current sensitivity approximately threetimes (6 refs.) Inspec No.: 8254062 158 High reliability high voltage HBTs operating up to 30 V Author(s): T. Henderson, J. Hitt (Affiliation: TriQuint Semicond. Texas, Richardson, TX, USA), K. Campman Conference: IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium. 2004 IEEE CISC Symposium, Monterey, CA, USA Conference Date: 24-27 Oct. 2004 Sponsor(s): IEEE Electron Devices Soc Publication: IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium. 2004 IEEE CISC Symposium (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37591) Publisher: IEEE, USA, 2004 Language: English ISBN: 0 7803 8616 7 Page: 67-70 Document type: Conference paper Abstract: This paper reports the reliability characterization ofInGaP/GaAs HBTs fabricated with a high voltage process.Breakdown voltages BVceo = 42 V and BVcbo = 72 V aredemonstrated, making this technology suitable for 28 V bias inmost applications. Proprietary growth, unit cell design, andfabrication techniques ensure that current collapse is not seenat any bias point up to avalanche breakdown. Elevatedtemperature and current density bias stress tests at 16 V, 20V, and 30 V show good reliability, with an extrapolated MTTFat nominal bias conditions and 140°C junction temperature ofat least 107 hours (4 refs.) Inspec No.: 8256037 159 Experimental probe of minority carrier velocity profile Author(s): E.M. Rehder, C.R. Lutz, R.E. Welser (Affiliation: Kopin Corp., Taunton, MA, USA ), P.J. Zampardi Conference: IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium. 2004 IEEE CISC Symposium, Monterey, CA, USA Conference Date: 24-27 Oct. 2004 Sponsor(s): IEEE Electron Devices Soc Publication: IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium. 2004 IEEE CISC Symposium (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37591) Publisher: IEEE, USA, 2004 Language: English ISBN: 0 7803 8616 7 Page: 75-8 Document type: Conference paper Abstract: We experimentally investigate the details of theminority electron transport across the base of a GaAsheterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT). A stepwise dopingchange in the base layer is employed to locally accelerate theelectrons and enhance the dc current gain. The position of thestep change is varied to probe the electron velocity across thebase layer in multiple sample sets with different basethicknesses. Positioning the doping change within 200 â of thecollector provides the largest velocity increase (~15%),independent of base thickness. This indicates that theelectrons are moving slower as they approach the collector,an observation which sharply contrasts with the conventionalquasi-ballistic drift-diffusion models of base transport thatpredict the highest electron velocities are reached near thecollector (9 refs.) Inspec No.: 8256038

Semiconductor Devices - Miscellaneous articles, abstracts, technical notes, letters, publications
HTE Labs  


155 A simple and efficient parameter extraction procedure for physics based IGBT models
Author(s): R. Chibante (Affiliation: Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal), A. Araujo, A. Carvalho
Conference: EPE-PEMC 2004 11th International Power
Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Riga, Latvia
Conference Date: 2-4 Sept. 2004 Sponsor(s): SIEMENS;
FESTO; Latvian Council of Sci.; Latvijas Gaze; ARCUS
Elektronika; Rebir; ABB; ELWO; TTP
Publication: EPE-PEMC
2004 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control
Publisher: Riga Tech. Univ, Latvia, 2004
Language: English
ISBN: 9984 32 022 7 Page: 2/40-8 Vol.2
Document type: Conference paper
Abstract: Extraction of parameters for models of powersemiconductors is a need for researchers working withdevelopment of power circuits. One of the drawbacks ofphysics based models is how to extract the numerousparameters to describe the model. Different approaches havebeen taken, most of them cumbersome to be solved. Thispaper presents a simple and accurate method of parameterextraction for physics based IGBT models. The procedure,based on an optimization algorithm (simulated annealing), iseasy to implement and is efficient for extraction of a largenumber of parameters needed for physics based IGBTmodels, only requiring some experimental points of DC andresistive load characteristics. It is validated by comparingexperimental and simulated results, at various operatingconditions, using a finite element, physics based, IGBT model(13 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8254052

156 Express-method and thermal resistance measurement equipment
Author(s): V.M. Gartsbeyn, S.V. Ivanov, N.F. MAramygin, L.V. Romanovskaya, S.N. Florentsev (Affiliation: SIE "INELS" Ltd., Moscow, Russia )
Conference: EPE-PEMC 2004 11th International Power
Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Riga, Latvia
Conference Date: 2-4 Sept. 2004 Sponsor(s): SIEMENS;
FESTO; Latvian Council of Sci.; Latvijas Gaze; ARCUS
Elektronika; Rebir; ABB; ELWO; TTP
Publication: EPE-PEMC
2004 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control
Publisher: Riga Tech. Univ, Latvia, 2004
Language: English
ISBN: 9984 32 022 7 Page: 2/76-9 Vol.2
Document type: Conference paper
Abstract: The express-method of thermal resistancemeasurement in power semiconductor modules is submitted.The method is based on continuous measurement ofsemiconductor element (IGBT, FRD) temperature-dependentparameter and temperature of the power module baseplatewhilst heating the semiconductor by a current up to Tjmax andfollowing compulsory cooling down to Ta. During thesubsequent calculations Rthjc and its components R0C0 , R1C1,R2C2 of thermal model are calculated for all layers in themodule: semiconductors chip - DCB-ceramics - baseplate.The results of modeling by means of finite elements methodare described. The automated measurement equipmentrealizing the developed method are presented. The results ofcalculations and experiments are given, showing the matchingof modeling results and measurement by classical anddeveloped express-method (6 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8254059

157 The optimization of relative current sensitivity of bipolar magnetotransistor
Author(s): A.V. Kozlov (Affiliation: Moscow State Inst. of Electron. Technol., Russia), R.D. Tikhonov
Conference: EPE-PEMC 2004 11th International Power
Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Riga, Latvia
Conference Date: 2-4 Sept. 2004 Sponsor(s): SIEMENS;
FESTO; Latvian Council of Sci.; Latvijas Gaze; ARCUS
Elektronika; Rebir; ABB; ELWO; TTP
Publication: EPE-PEMC
2004 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control
Publisher: Riga Tech. Univ, Latvia, 2004
Language: English
ISBN: 9984 32 022 7 Page: 2/95-8 Vol.2
Document type: Conference paper
Abstract: Using the methods of numerical device-and-processsimulation we investigated the current distribution and therelative and absolute current sensitivity of the lateral bipolardual-collector magnetotransistor (BMT) made in the diffusionwell and with the substrate and well contacts connected Theanalysis of the current flow at low injection level revealed thenegative sensitivity mechanism. The negative relative currentsensitivity appears in BMT as a result of the involved inrecombination electron and hole flows redistribution inducedby magnetic field, i.e., as the result of concentrationrecombinationmechanism of magnetosensitivity. Theoptimization of structure of BMT allows increasing the maximalmeaning of relative current sensitivity approximately threetimes (6 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8254062

158 High reliability high voltage HBTs operating up to 30 V
Author(s): T. Henderson, J. Hitt (Affiliation: TriQuint Semicond. Texas, Richardson, TX, USA), K. Campman
Conference: IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated
Circuit Symposium. 2004 IEEE CISC Symposium, Monterey,
Conference Date: 24-27 Oct. 2004 Sponsor(s): IEEE
Electron Devices Soc
Publication: IEEE Compound
Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium. 2004 IEEE
CISC Symposium (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37591)
IEEE, USA, 2004
Language: English
ISBN: 0 7803 8616 7
Page: 67-70
Document type: Conference paper
Abstract: This paper reports the reliability characterization ofInGaP/GaAs HBTs fabricated with a high voltage process.Breakdown voltages BVceo = 42 V and BVcbo = 72 V aredemonstrated, making this technology suitable for 28 V bias inmost applications. Proprietary growth, unit cell design, andfabrication techniques ensure that current collapse is not seenat any bias point up to avalanche breakdown. Elevatedtemperature and current density bias stress tests at 16 V, 20V, and 30 V show good reliability, with an extrapolated MTTFat nominal bias conditions and 140°C junction temperature ofat least 107 hours (4 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8256037

159 Experimental probe of minority carrier velocity profile
Author(s): E.M. Rehder, C.R. Lutz, R.E. Welser (Affiliation: Kopin Corp., Taunton, MA, USA ), P.J. Zampardi
Conference: IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated
Circuit Symposium. 2004 IEEE CISC Symposium, Monterey,
Conference Date: 24-27 Oct. 2004 Sponsor(s): IEEE
Electron Devices Soc
Publication: IEEE Compound
Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium. 2004 IEEE
CISC Symposium (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37591)
IEEE, USA, 2004
Language: English
ISBN: 0 7803 8616 7
Page: 75-8
Document type: Conference paper
Abstract: We experimentally investigate the details of theminority electron transport across the base of a GaAsheterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT). A stepwise dopingchange in the base layer is employed to locally accelerate theelectrons and enhance the dc current gain. The position of thestep change is varied to probe the electron velocity across thebase layer in multiple sample sets with different basethicknesses. Positioning the doping change within 200 â of thecollector provides the largest velocity increase (~15%),independent of base thickness. This indicates that theelectrons are moving slower as they approach the collector,an observation which sharply contrasts with the conventionalquasi-ballistic drift-diffusion models of base transport thatpredict the highest electron velocities are reached near thecollector (9 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8256038

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