190 Response to "Comment on `Carrier trapping and current collapse mechanism in GaN metalsemiconductor field effect transistors' " [Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 016101 (2005)] Author(s): A.F.M. Anwar (Affiliation: Electr. & Comput. Eng. Dept., Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA), S.S. Islam, R.T. Webster Journal: Appl. Phys. Lett. (USA), vol.86, no.1, p.16102-1-2 (3 Jan. 2005) Publisher: AIP, USA Language: English ISSN: 0003-6951, Full text Document type: Journal article Abstract: In the Comment, Oh et al. argue that our explanation[Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 1970 (2003)] of current collapse andcurrent recovery at high drain bias cannot be effectivelyexplained by impact ionization. We disagree. In support oftheir argument, they present their own measurements ofcurrent-voltage characteristics of AlGaN/GaN heterostructurefield-effect transistors (HFETs). While their characteristics aresuperficially similar to the current-voltage characteristics of theGaN metal semiconductor field-effect transistors (MESFET)shown in our Letter, there are critical differences in the curves.The differences reflect fundamental differences between thecurrent collapse phenomena in HFETs and MESFETs, despitethe assertion to the contrary (6 refs.) Inspec No.: 8247146 191 Carrier transport and light-spot movement in carbon-nanotube infrared emitters Author(s): Jing Guo (Affiliation: Dept. of Electr. & Comput. Eng., Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA), M.A. Alam Journal: Appl. Phys. Lett. (USA), vol.86, no.2, p.23105-1-3 (10 Jan. 2005) Publisher: AIP, USA Language: English ISSN: 0003-6951, Full text Document type: Journal article Abstract: Infrared emission from a carbon-nanotube (CNT)field-effect transistor, with the position of the light spotcontrolled by applied bias, was recently reported. In this letter,a self-consistent simulation, which couples a quantumtreatment of the metal-CNT contacts to a semiclassicaltreatment of the channel, is performed to understand carriertransport and light emission in a CNT infrared emitter. Theresults show that when the channel is long, light emissionsignificantly affects carrier transport, and reduces the sourcedraincurrent by a factor of 2 in ambipolar transport regime.The experimentally observed light-spot movement along thechannel can be mostly understood and explained by a simple,semiclassical picture (20 refs.) Inspec No.: 8247212 192 Performance enhancement by using the n+-GaN cap layer and gate recess technology on the AlGaNGaN HEMT fabrication Author(s): Wen-Kai Wang, Po-Chen Lin, Ching-Huao Lin, Cheng-Kuo Lin, Yi-Jen Chan, Guan-Ting Chen, J.-I. Chyi (Affiliation: Dept. of Electr. Eng., Nat. Central Univ., Chungli, Taiwan) Journal: IEEE Electron Device Lett. (USA), vol.26, no.1, p.5-7 (Jan. 2005) Publisher: IEEE, USA Language: English ISSN: 0741-3106, Full text Document type: Journal article Abstract: Due to the low mobility and wide bandgapcharacteristics of the undoped AlGaN layer used in theconventional AlGaN-GaN HEMT as a cap layer, the RFperformance of this device will be limited by its high contactresistance and high knee voltage. In this letter, we proposeusing the n+-GaN cap layer and the selective gate recessetching technology on the AlGaN-GaN HEMTs fabrication.With this n+ -GaN instead of the undoped AlGaN as a caplayer, the device contact resistance is reduced from 1.0 to 0.4Ù·mm. The 0.3 ìm gate-length device demonstrates an Ids,maxof 1.1 A/mm, a gm,max of 220 mS/mm, an fT of 43 GHz, an fmaxof 68 GHz, and an output power density of 4 W/mm at 2.4GHz (8 refs.) Inspec No.: 8250014 193 The effect of electrical stress on the leakage current of polycrystalline Si thin-film transistors fabricated by metal-induced lateral crystallization Author(s): Yeo-Geon Yoon, Gi-Bum Kim, Tae-Kyung Kim, Byung-Il Lee, Seung-Ki Joo (Affiliation: Res. Inst. of Adv. Mater., Seoul Nat. Univ., South Korea) Journal: Thin Solid Films (Switzerland), vol.466, no.1-2, p.303-6 (1 Nov. 2004) Publisher: Elsevier, Switzerland Language: English ISSN: 0040-6090, Full text Document type: Journal article Abstract: The effects of electrical stress on the leakage currentof polycrystalline Si (poly-Si) thin-film transistors (TFTs)fabricated by metal-induced lateral crystallization (MILC) wereinvestigated. It was found that the leakage current of MILCTFTs could be reduced by electrical stress (VG<0, VD>0) andthis effect was saturated in about 1000 s. In addition,asymmetric Ni-offset deposition is proposed. By this method,the boundary where the two MILC regions meet can be movedout of the channel region, consequently, resulting in a greatreduction in leakage current and in an insensibility to electricalstress (15 refs.) Inspec No.: 8253194 194 Organic nano-transistors wired by oriented charge transfer complex crystal Author(s): M. Sakai, E. Yajima, H. Sakuma, M. Iizuka, M. Nakamura, K. Kudo (Affiliation: Dept. of Electron. & Mech. Eng., Chiba Univ., Japan) Journal: Trans. Inst. Electr. Eng. Jpn. C (Japan), vol.124-C, no.6, p.1224-8 (June 2004) Publisher: Inst. Electr. Eng. Japan, Japan Language: Japanese ISSN: 0385-4221, Full text Document type: Journal article Abstract: We have fabricated high conducting organic wiresand self-wired nano-transistors of tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) andtetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) charge transfer complexusing co-evaporation method with an electric field. Theconducting wires which directly bridge two gold electrodesindicated high-conductive ohmic contact with the goldelectrode. Self-wired organic field effect transistor was formedat the connecting point of conductive wires. Field effecttransistor characteristics of nano-transistor exhibited nchannelbehavior with on/off ratio of 110. The length of activelayer was estimated to be approximately a few nanometers(13 refs.) Inspec No.: 8253215

Semiconductor Devices - Miscellaneous articles, abstracts, technical notes, letters, publications
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190 Response to "Comment on `Carrier trapping and current collapse mechanism in GaN metalsemiconductor field effect transistors' " [Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 016101 (2005)]
Author(s): A.F.M. Anwar (Affiliation: Electr. & Comput. Eng. Dept., Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA), S.S. Islam, R.T. Webster
Journal: Appl. Phys. Lett. (USA), vol.86, no.1, p.16102-1-2 (3 Jan. 2005)
Publisher: AIP, USA
Language: English
ISSN: 0003-6951, Full text
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: In the Comment, Oh et al. argue that our explanation[Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 1970 (2003)] of current collapse andcurrent recovery at high drain bias cannot be effectivelyexplained by impact ionization. We disagree. In support oftheir argument, they present their own measurements ofcurrent-voltage characteristics of AlGaN/GaN heterostructurefield-effect transistors (HFETs). While their characteristics aresuperficially similar to the current-voltage characteristics of theGaN metal semiconductor field-effect transistors (MESFET)shown in our Letter, there are critical differences in the curves.The differences reflect fundamental differences between thecurrent collapse phenomena in HFETs and MESFETs, despitethe assertion to the contrary (6 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8247146

191 Carrier transport and light-spot movement in carbon-nanotube infrared emitters
Author(s): Jing Guo (Affiliation: Dept. of Electr. & Comput. Eng., Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA), M.A. Alam
Journal: Appl. Phys. Lett. (USA), vol.86, no.2, p.23105-1-3 (10 Jan. 2005)
Publisher: AIP, USA
Language: English
ISSN: 0003-6951, Full text
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: Infrared emission from a carbon-nanotube (CNT)field-effect transistor, with the position of the light spotcontrolled by applied bias, was recently reported. In this letter,a self-consistent simulation, which couples a quantumtreatment of the metal-CNT contacts to a semiclassicaltreatment of the channel, is performed to understand carriertransport and light emission in a CNT infrared emitter. Theresults show that when the channel is long, light emissionsignificantly affects carrier transport, and reduces the sourcedraincurrent by a factor of 2 in ambipolar transport regime.The experimentally observed light-spot movement along thechannel can be mostly understood and explained by a simple,semiclassical picture (20 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8247212

192 Performance enhancement by using the n+-GaN cap layer and gate recess technology on the AlGaNGaN HEMT fabrication
Author(s): Wen-Kai Wang, Po-Chen Lin, Ching-Huao Lin, Cheng-Kuo Lin, Yi-Jen Chan, Guan-Ting Chen, J.-I. Chyi (Affiliation: Dept. of Electr. Eng., Nat. Central Univ., Chungli, Taiwan)
Journal: IEEE Electron Device Lett. (USA), vol.26, no.1, p.5-7 (Jan. 2005)
Publisher: IEEE, USA
Language: English
ISSN: 0741-3106, Full text
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: Due to the low mobility and wide bandgapcharacteristics of the undoped AlGaN layer used in theconventional AlGaN-GaN HEMT as a cap layer, the RFperformance of this device will be limited by its high contactresistance and high knee voltage. In this letter, we proposeusing the n+-GaN cap layer and the selective gate recessetching technology on the AlGaN-GaN HEMTs fabrication.With this n+ -GaN instead of the undoped AlGaN as a caplayer, the device contact resistance is reduced from 1.0 to 0.4Ù·mm. The 0.3 ìm gate-length device demonstrates an Ids,maxof 1.1 A/mm, a gm,max of 220 mS/mm, an fT of 43 GHz, an fmaxof 68 GHz, and an output power density of 4 W/mm at 2.4GHz (8 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8250014

193 The effect of electrical stress on the leakage current of polycrystalline Si thin-film transistors fabricated by metal-induced lateral crystallization
Author(s): Yeo-Geon Yoon, Gi-Bum Kim, Tae-Kyung Kim, Byung-Il Lee, Seung-Ki Joo (Affiliation: Res. Inst. of Adv. Mater., Seoul Nat. Univ., South Korea)
Journal: Thin Solid Films (Switzerland), vol.466, no.1-2, p.303-6 (1 Nov. 2004)
Publisher: Elsevier, Switzerland
Language: English
ISSN: 0040-6090, Full text
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: The effects of electrical stress on the leakage currentof polycrystalline Si (poly-Si) thin-film transistors (TFTs)fabricated by metal-induced lateral crystallization (MILC) wereinvestigated. It was found that the leakage current of MILCTFTs could be reduced by electrical stress (VG<0, VD>0) andthis effect was saturated in about 1000 s. In addition,asymmetric Ni-offset deposition is proposed. By this method,the boundary where the two MILC regions meet can be movedout of the channel region, consequently, resulting in a greatreduction in leakage current and in an insensibility to electricalstress (15 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8253194

194 Organic nano-transistors wired by oriented charge transfer complex crystal
Author(s): M. Sakai, E. Yajima, H. Sakuma, M. Iizuka, M. Nakamura, K. Kudo (Affiliation: Dept. of Electron. & Mech. Eng., Chiba Univ., Japan)
Journal: Trans. Inst. Electr. Eng. Jpn. C (Japan), vol.124-C, no.6, p.1224-8 (June 2004)
Publisher: Inst. Electr. Eng. Japan, Japan
Language: Japanese
ISSN: 0385-4221, Full text
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: We have fabricated high conducting organic wiresand self-wired nano-transistors of tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) andtetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) charge transfer complexusing co-evaporation method with an electric field. Theconducting wires which directly bridge two gold electrodesindicated high-conductive ohmic contact with the goldelectrode. Self-wired organic field effect transistor was formedat the connecting point of conductive wires. Field effecttransistor characteristics of nano-transistor exhibited nchannelbehavior with on/off ratio of 110. The length of activelayer was estimated to be approximately a few nanometers(13 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8253215

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