204 Automatic measuring of one-way characteristics of semiconductor elements Author(s): A. Kosi, M. Solar, I. Kramberger (Affiliation:Fakulteta za Elektrotehniko, Univerza v Mariboru, Maribor, Slovenia) Journal: Inf. MIDEM (Slovenia), vol.34, no.2, p.107-11 (2004) Publisher: Soc. Microelectron. Electron. Components & Mater.-MIDEM, Slovenia Language: Slovenian ISSN: 0352-9045 Document type: Journal article Abstract: In the field of measuring one-way characteristics ofsemiconductor elements we have always used the samemethods and procedures. Therefore is automation of thosemethods and procedures a logical step? There are manysolutions in this field. Most of them have a very selectedpurpose, like measuring only certain semiconductor elements.Our goal was to develop as widely designed measuringsystem as possible. Such an approach enables automaticmeasurement of different semiconductor elements. With ourmeasurement system we can measure simple characteristicsand more complex parametric characteristics. A general blockscheme, properties of the measurement system and examplesof automatic measurement are shown. In general we have apersonal computer on one side and microcontroller on theother side. The personal computer is used to control andpresent the results of the measurement. To make thatpossible, a computer program must be developed. The mostappropriate tool for that is program package LabVIEW, whichenables quick and simple development and possibility toupgrade program with new functions. LabVIEW is adevelopment environment based on graphical programming.LabVIEW uses terminology, icons, and ideas familiar totechnicians, scientists, and engineers, and relies on graphicalsymbols rather than textual language to describeprogramming actions. A further advantage of such design isthe possibility of simple extension with new functions. Forexample in future different analyses of acquired data could beimplemented. The microcontroller on the other side regulatescontrol and data signals of DA-converter, AD-converter andmultiplexer. Our measurement system has two independentanalog outputs with voltage range ±15V and ±1A current.Voltage range of ±15V is enough for measuring thecharacteristics of most popular semiconductors. With 16-bitDA-converter we have achieved accuracy of output value inrange ±1mV. The measurement system can measure up to sixinput channels. At the end of the article, one example ofautomatic measurement of simple characteristics and one ofmore complex parametric characteristics is shown. Alsocomparison with commercial measuring card with similarcharacteristic is shown. The advantage of our measurementsystem is wider measuring area, better current efficiency andlower price of system (8 refs.) Inspec No.: 8251937 205 Description of the firing mechanism for a thyristor controlled by a high frequency sine signal Author(s): M. Christophe (Affiliation: STMicroelectron., Tours, France ), R. Yves, M. Samuel, B. Jean, G. Laurent Conference: EPE-PEMC 2004 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Riga, Latvia Conference Date: 2-4 Sept. 2004 Sponsor(s): SIEMENS; FESTO; Latvian Council of Sci.; Latvijas Gaze; ARCUS Elektronika; Rebir; ABB; ELWO; TTP Publication: EPE-PEMC 2004 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference Publisher: Riga Tech. Univ, Latvia, 2004 Language: English ISBN: 9984 32 022 7 Page: 2/66-70 Vol.2 Document type: Conference paper Abstract: In the context of galvanic isolation integration, a newcontrol mode for thyristor has been developed. Instead of apulse shaped signal, a high frequency sine signal is used forthyristor control. This new control signal enables to switch onthe thyristor through a charge accumulation phenomenon inthe structure. Experiments and simulations have beenperformed to understand precisely the phenomenon and themechanism sequence leading to the device switching on (7refs.) Inspec No.: 8254057 206 Demonstration of 10 Gbit/s serial signal transmission using a backplane Author(s): S. Tanabe, Y. Murata (Affiliation: Adv. Tech. R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electr. Corp., Amagasaki, Japan), J. Abe, Y. Shiraki, S. Saito Journal: Trans. Inst. Electron. Inf. Commun. Eng. C (Japan), vol.J87-C, no.11, p.864-72 (Nov. 2004) Publisher: Inst. Electron. Inf. & Commun. Eng, Japan Language: Japanese ISSN: 1345-2827 Document type: Journal article Abstract: Equivalent circuits for high speed differentialconnectors have been introduced based on anelectromagnetic field analysis. Using these componentequivalent circuits, the total signal integrity for between-boardsserial signal transmission has been analyzed. Finally 500 mmdata transmission between driver and receiver on differentboards via a backplane has been demonstrated at 10 Gbpsspeed with less than 10-14BER (Bit Error Rate) (13 refs.) Inspec No.: 8251407 207 Electron spin filtering in all-semiconductor tunneling structures Author(s): Leo Yu, H.C. Huang, O. Voskoboynikov (Affiliation: Nat. Chiao Tung Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan) Conference: Sixth International Conference on New Phenomena in Mesoscopic Structures & Fourth International Conference on Surfaces and Interfaces of Mesoscopic Devices, Maui, HI, USA Conference Date: 1-5 Dec. 2003 Journal: Superlattices Microstruct. (UK), vol.34, no.3-6, p.547-52 (Sept.-Dec. 2003) Publisher: Academic Press, UK Language: English ISSN: 0749-6036, Full text Document type: Conference paper in journal Abstract: In this work we briefly review the present dayperspectives for exploiting conventional nonmagneticsemiconductor nanotechnology to design high speed spin-filterdevices. In recent theoretical investigations a high spinpolarization has been predicted for the ballistic tunnelingcurrent in semiconductor single- and double-barrierasymmetric tunnel structures of III-V semiconductors withstrong Rashba spin-orbit coupling. We show in this paper thatthe polarization in the tunneling can probability be sufficientlyincreased for producing realistic single-barrier structures byincluding of the Dresselhaus term into consideration (25 refs.) Inspec No.: 8249793 208 Anisotropic mesh adaption governed by a Hessian matrix metric Author(s): W. Wessner, H. Ceric, C. Heitzinger, A. Hossinger, S. Selberherr (Affiliation: Inst. of Microelectron., Tech. Univ. of Vienna, Austria) Editor(s): A.Verbraeck, V.Hlupic Conference: Simulation in Industry. 15th European Simulation Symposium - ESS 2003, Delft, Netherlands Conference Date: 26-29 Oct. 2003 Sponsor(s): Soc. for Modelling and Simulation International Publication: Simulation in Industry. 15th European Simulation Symposium - ESS 2003 Publisher: Gruner Druck GmbH, Germany, 2003 Language: English ISBN: 3 936150 28 1 Page: 41-6 Document type: Conference paper Abstract: An essential task for any finite element method is toprovide appropriate resolution of the mesh to resolve the initialsolution. We present a computational method for anisotropictetrahedral mesh refinement according to an adjustablediscretization error. The initial attribute profile is given by ananalytical function, which is twice continously differentiable.Anisotropy is taken into account to reduce the amount ofelements compared to pure isotropic meshes. By theproposed method the spatial resolution in three-dimensionalunstructured tetrahedral meshes used for diffusion simulationis locally increased and the accuracy of the discretizationimproved (15 refs.) Inspec No.: 8253575

Semiconductor Devices - Miscellaneous articles, abstracts, technical notes, letters, publications
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204 Automatic measuring of one-way characteristics of semiconductor elements
Author(s): A. Kosi, M. Solar, I. Kramberger (Affiliation:Fakulteta za Elektrotehniko, Univerza v Mariboru, Maribor, Slovenia)
Journal: Inf. MIDEM (Slovenia), vol.34, no.2, p.107-11 (2004)
Publisher: Soc. Microelectron. Electron. Components & Mater.-MIDEM, Slovenia
Language: Slovenian
ISSN: 0352-9045
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: In the field of measuring one-way characteristics ofsemiconductor elements we have always used the samemethods and procedures. Therefore is automation of thosemethods and procedures a logical step? There are manysolutions in this field. Most of them have a very selectedpurpose, like measuring only certain semiconductor elements.Our goal was to develop as widely designed measuringsystem as possible. Such an approach enables automaticmeasurement of different semiconductor elements. With ourmeasurement system we can measure simple characteristicsand more complex parametric characteristics. A general blockscheme, properties of the measurement system and examplesof automatic measurement are shown. In general we have apersonal computer on one side and microcontroller on theother side. The personal computer is used to control andpresent the results of the measurement. To make thatpossible, a computer program must be developed. The mostappropriate tool for that is program package LabVIEW, whichenables quick and simple development and possibility toupgrade program with new functions. LabVIEW is adevelopment environment based on graphical programming.LabVIEW uses terminology, icons, and ideas familiar totechnicians, scientists, and engineers, and relies on graphicalsymbols rather than textual language to describeprogramming actions. A further advantage of such design isthe possibility of simple extension with new functions. Forexample in future different analyses of acquired data could beimplemented. The microcontroller on the other side regulatescontrol and data signals of DA-converter, AD-converter andmultiplexer. Our measurement system has two independentanalog outputs with voltage range ±15V and ±1A current.Voltage range of ±15V is enough for measuring thecharacteristics of most popular semiconductors. With 16-bitDA-converter we have achieved accuracy of output value inrange ±1mV. The measurement system can measure up to sixinput channels. At the end of the article, one example ofautomatic measurement of simple characteristics and one ofmore complex parametric characteristics is shown. Alsocomparison with commercial measuring card with similarcharacteristic is shown. The advantage of our measurementsystem is wider measuring area, better current efficiency andlower price of system (8 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8251937

205 Description of the firing mechanism for a thyristor controlled by a high frequency sine signal
Author(s): M. Christophe (Affiliation: STMicroelectron., Tours, France ), R. Yves, M. Samuel, B. Jean, G. Laurent
Conference: EPE-PEMC 2004 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Riga, Latvia
Conference Date: 2-4 Sept. 2004
Sponsor(s): SIEMENS; FESTO; Latvian Council of Sci.; Latvijas Gaze; ARCUS Elektronika; Rebir; ABB; ELWO; TTP
Publication: EPE-PEMC 2004 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference
Publisher: Riga Tech. Univ, Latvia, 2004
Language: English
ISBN: 9984 32 022 7 Page: 2/66-70 Vol.2
Document type: Conference paper
Abstract: In the context of galvanic isolation integration, a newcontrol mode for thyristor has been developed. Instead of apulse shaped signal, a high frequency sine signal is used forthyristor control. This new control signal enables to switch onthe thyristor through a charge accumulation phenomenon inthe structure. Experiments and simulations have beenperformed to understand precisely the phenomenon and themechanism sequence leading to the device switching on (7refs.)
Inspec No.: 8254057

206 Demonstration of 10 Gbit/s serial signal transmission using a backplane
Author(s): S. Tanabe, Y. Murata (Affiliation: Adv. Tech. R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electr. Corp., Amagasaki, Japan), J. Abe, Y. Shiraki, S. Saito
Journal: Trans. Inst. Electron. Inf. Commun. Eng. C (Japan), vol.J87-C, no.11, p.864-72 (Nov. 2004)
Publisher: Inst. Electron. Inf. & Commun. Eng, Japan
Language: Japanese
ISSN: 1345-2827
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: Equivalent circuits for high speed differentialconnectors have been introduced based on anelectromagnetic field analysis. Using these componentequivalent circuits, the total signal integrity for between-boardsserial signal transmission has been analyzed. Finally 500 mmdata transmission between driver and receiver on differentboards via a backplane has been demonstrated at 10 Gbpsspeed with less than 10-14BER (Bit Error Rate) (13 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8251407

207 Electron spin filtering in all-semiconductor tunneling structures
Author(s): Leo Yu, H.C. Huang, O. Voskoboynikov (Affiliation: Nat. Chiao Tung Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan)
Conference: Sixth International Conference on New Phenomena in Mesoscopic Structures & Fourth International Conference on Surfaces and Interfaces of Mesoscopic Devices, Maui, HI, USA
Conference Date: 1-5 Dec. 2003
Journal: Superlattices Microstruct. (UK), vol.34, no.3-6, p.547-52 (Sept.-Dec. 2003)
Publisher: Academic Press, UK
Language: English
ISSN: 0749-6036, Full text
Document type: Conference paper in journal
Abstract: In this work we briefly review the present dayperspectives for exploiting conventional nonmagneticsemiconductor nanotechnology to design high speed spin-filterdevices. In recent theoretical investigations a high spinpolarization has been predicted for the ballistic tunnelingcurrent in semiconductor single- and double-barrierasymmetric tunnel structures of III-V semiconductors withstrong Rashba spin-orbit coupling. We show in this paper thatthe polarization in the tunneling can probability be sufficientlyincreased for producing realistic single-barrier structures byincluding of the Dresselhaus term into consideration (25 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8249793

208 Anisotropic mesh adaption governed by a Hessian matrix metric
Author(s): W. Wessner, H. Ceric, C. Heitzinger, A. Hossinger, S. Selberherr (Affiliation: Inst. of Microelectron., Tech. Univ. of Vienna, Austria)
Editor(s): A.Verbraeck, V.Hlupic
Conference: Simulation in Industry. 15th European Simulation Symposium - ESS 2003, Delft, Netherlands
Conference Date: 26-29 Oct. 2003
Sponsor(s): Soc. for Modelling and Simulation International
Publication: Simulation in Industry. 15th European Simulation Symposium - ESS 2003
Publisher: Gruner Druck GmbH, Germany, 2003
Language: English
ISBN: 3 936150 28 1 Page: 41-6
Document type: Conference paper
Abstract: An essential task for any finite element method is toprovide appropriate resolution of the mesh to resolve the initialsolution. We present a computational method for anisotropictetrahedral mesh refinement according to an adjustablediscretization error. The initial attribute profile is given by ananalytical function, which is twice continously differentiable.Anisotropy is taken into account to reduce the amount ofelements compared to pure isotropic meshes. By theproposed method the spatial resolution in three-dimensionalunstructured tetrahedral meshes used for diffusion simulationis locally increased and the accuracy of the discretizationimproved (15 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8253575

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