13 Single-event effects in III-V semiconductor electronics Author(s): D. McMorrow, J.S. Melinger (Affiliation: Naval Res. Lab., Washington, DC, USA), A.R. Knudson Journal: Int. J. High Speed Comput. (Singapore), vol.14, no.2, p.311-25 (June 2004) Publisher: World Scientific, Singapore Language: English ISSN: 0129-0533 Document type: Journal article Abstract: Single-event effects are a serious concern for highspeed III-V semiconductor devices operating in radiationintense environments. GaAs integrated circuits (ICs) based on field effect transistor technology exhibit single-event upset sensitivity to protons and very low linear energy transfer (LET) particles. The current understanding of single-event effects in III-V circuits and devices, and approaches for mitigating their impact, are discussed (59 refs.) Inspec No.: 8251997 14 Investigation of single-event transients in fast integrated circuits with a pulsed laser Author(s): P. Fouillat, V. Pouget, D. Lewis (Affiliation: UMR CNRS 5818, Univ. Bordeaux 1, Talence, France), S. Buchner, D. McMorrow Journal: Int. J. High Speed Comput. (Singapore), vol.14, no.2, p.327-39 (June 2004) Publisher: World Scientific, Singapore Language: English ISSN: 0129-0533 Document type: Journal article Abstract: This paper describes the use of a pulsed laser for studying radiation-induced single-event transients in integrated circuits. The basic failure mechanisms and the fundamentals of the laser testing method are presented. Sample results are presented to illustrate the benefits of using a pulsed laser for studying single-event transients (33 refs.) Inspec No.: 8251998 15 Radiation effects in charge-coupled device (CCD) imagers and CMOS active pixel sensors Author(s): G.R. Hopkinson (Affiliation: Sira Electro-Opt. Ltd, Kent, UK ), A. Mohammadzadeh Journal: Int. J. High Speed Comput. (Singapore), vol.14, no.2, p.419-43 (June 2004) Publisher: World Scientific, Singapore Language: English ISSN: 0129-0533 Document type: Journal article Abstract: This review concerns radiation effects in silicon charge-coupled devices (CCDs) and CMOS active pixel sensors (APSs), both of which are used as imagers in the visible region. Permanent effects, due to total ionizing dose and displacement damage, are discussed in detail, with a particular emphasis on the space environment. In addition, transient effects are briefly summarized. Implications for ground testing, effects mitigation and device hardening are also considered. The review is illustrated with results from recent ground testing (80 refs.) Inspec No.: 8251999 16 The effects of space radiation exposure on power MOSFETS: a review Author(s): K. Shenai (Affiliation: Electr. & Comput. Eng., Illinois Univ., Chicago, IL, USA), K.F. Galloways, R.D. Schrimpf Journal: Int. J. High Speed Comput. (Singapore), vol.14, no.2, p.445-63 (June 2004) Publisher: World Scientific, Singapore Language: English ISSN: 0129-0533 Document type: Journal article Abstract: Power MOSFETs are a commonly used device for many switching and power control applications. Their upper frequency limit spans a fairly broad range, from 1 MHz to 10 MHz. These devices are frequently used in spaceborne electronic systems where they encounter radiation exposure during operation. This paper reviews the current technology, its high frequency capability, the future trends for power MOSFET technology, and the degradation that the power VDMOS technology experiences in the space radiation environment (56 refs.) Inspec No.: 8252000 17 Total dose effects in linear bipolar integrated circuits Author(s): H.J. Barnaby (Affiliation: Arizona Univ., Tucson, AZ, USA ) Journal: Int. J. High Speed Comput. (Singapore), vol.14, no.2, p.519-41 (June 2004) Publisher: World Scientific, Singapore Language: English ISSN: 0129-0533 Document type: Journal article Abstract: Electronics systems that operate in space or strategic environments can be severely damaged by exposure to ionizing radiation. Space-based systems that utilize linear bipolar integrated circuits are particularly susceptible to radiation-induced damage because of the enhanced sensitivity of these circuits to the low rate of radiation exposure. The phenomenon of enhanced low-dose-rate sensitivity (ELDRS) demonstrates the need for a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms of total dose effects in linear bipolar circuits. The majority of detailed bipolar total dose studies to date have focused on radiation effects mechanisms at either the process or transistor level. The goal of this text is to provide an overview of total dose mechanisms from the circuit perspective; in particular, the effects of transistor gain degradation on specific linear bipolar circuit parameters and the effects of circuit parameter degradation on select linear bipolar circuit applications (47 refs.) Inspec No.: 8252002 18 Hardness assurance for commercial microelectronics Author(s): R.L. Pease (Affiliation: RLP Res. Inc., Los Lunas, NM, USA) Journal: Int. J. High Speed Comput. (Singapore), vol.14, no.2, p.543-61 (June 2004) Publisher: World Scientific, Singapore Language: English ISSN: 0129-0533 Document type: Journal article Abstract: An approach to hardness assurance for commercial microelectronics is presented based on hardness assurance guidelines developed by the US Department of Defense in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Modifications are made to accommodate commercial variability in radiation response and frequent changes in design and process (27 refs.) Inspec No.: 8252003

Semiconductor Devices - Miscellaneous articles, abstracts, technical notes, letters, publications
HTE Labs  


13 Single-event effects in III-V semiconductor electronics
Author(s): D. McMorrow, J.S. Melinger (Affiliation: Naval Res. Lab., Washington, DC, USA), A.R. Knudson
Journal: Int. J. High Speed Comput. (Singapore), vol.14, no.2, p.311-25 (June 2004)
Publisher: World Scientific, Singapore
Language: English
ISSN: 0129-0533
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: Single-event effects are a serious concern for highspeed III-V semiconductor devices operating in radiationintense environments. GaAs integrated circuits (ICs) based on field effect transistor technology exhibit single-event upset sensitivity to protons and very low linear energy transfer (LET) particles. The current understanding of single-event effects in III-V circuits and devices, and approaches for mitigating their impact, are discussed (59 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8251997

14 Investigation of single-event transients in fast integrated circuits with a pulsed laser
Author(s): P. Fouillat, V. Pouget, D. Lewis (Affiliation: UMR CNRS 5818, Univ. Bordeaux 1, Talence, France), S. Buchner, D. McMorrow
Journal: Int. J. High Speed Comput. (Singapore), vol.14, no.2, p.327-39 (June 2004)
Publisher: World Scientific, Singapore
Language: English
ISSN: 0129-0533
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: This paper describes the use of a pulsed laser for studying radiation-induced single-event transients in integrated circuits. The basic failure mechanisms and the fundamentals of the laser testing method are presented. Sample results are presented to illustrate the benefits of using a pulsed laser for studying single-event transients (33 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8251998

15 Radiation effects in charge-coupled device (CCD) imagers and CMOS active pixel sensors
Author(s): G.R. Hopkinson (Affiliation: Sira Electro-Opt. Ltd, Kent, UK ), A. Mohammadzadeh
Journal: Int. J. High Speed Comput. (Singapore), vol.14, no.2, p.419-43 (June 2004)
Publisher: World Scientific, Singapore
Language: English
ISSN: 0129-0533
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: This review concerns radiation effects in silicon charge-coupled devices (CCDs) and CMOS active pixel sensors (APSs), both of which are used as imagers in the visible region. Permanent effects, due to total ionizing dose and displacement damage, are discussed in detail, with a particular emphasis on the space environment. In addition, transient effects are briefly summarized. Implications for ground testing, effects mitigation and device hardening are also considered. The review is illustrated with results from recent ground testing (80 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8251999

16 The effects of space radiation exposure on power MOSFETS: a review
Author(s): K. Shenai (Affiliation: Electr. & Comput. Eng., Illinois Univ., Chicago, IL, USA), K.F. Galloways, R.D. Schrimpf
Journal: Int. J. High Speed Comput. (Singapore), vol.14, no.2, p.445-63 (June 2004)
Publisher: World Scientific, Singapore
Language: English
ISSN: 0129-0533
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: Power MOSFETs are a commonly used device for many switching and power control applications. Their upper frequency limit spans a fairly broad range, from 1 MHz to 10 MHz. These devices are frequently used in spaceborne electronic systems where they encounter radiation exposure during operation. This paper reviews the current technology, its high frequency capability, the future trends for power MOSFET technology, and the degradation that the power VDMOS technology experiences in the space radiation environment (56 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8252000

17 Total dose effects in linear bipolar integrated circuits
Author(s): H.J. Barnaby (Affiliation: Arizona Univ., Tucson, AZ, USA )
Journal: Int. J. High Speed Comput. (Singapore), vol.14, no.2, p.519-41 (June 2004)
Publisher: World Scientific, Singapore
Language: English
ISSN: 0129-0533
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: Electronics systems that operate in space or strategic environments can be severely damaged by exposure to ionizing radiation. Space-based systems that utilize linear bipolar integrated circuits are particularly susceptible to radiation-induced damage because of the enhanced sensitivity of these circuits to the low rate of radiation exposure. The phenomenon of enhanced low-dose-rate sensitivity (ELDRS) demonstrates the need for a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms of total dose effects in linear bipolar circuits. The majority of detailed bipolar total dose studies to date have focused on radiation effects mechanisms at either the process or transistor level. The goal of this text is to provide an overview of total dose mechanisms from the circuit perspective; in particular, the effects of transistor gain degradation on specific linear bipolar circuit parameters and the effects of circuit parameter degradation on select linear bipolar circuit applications (47 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8252002

18 Hardness assurance for commercial microelectronics
Author(s): R.L. Pease (Affiliation: RLP Res. Inc., Los Lunas, NM, USA)
Journal: Int. J. High Speed Comput. (Singapore), vol.14, no.2, p.543-61 (June 2004)
Publisher: World Scientific, Singapore
Language: English
ISSN: 0129-0533
Document type: Journal article
Abstract: An approach to hardness assurance for commercial microelectronics is presented based on hardness assurance guidelines developed by the US Department of Defense in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Modifications are made to accommodate commercial variability in radiation response and frequent changes in design and process (27 refs.)
Inspec No.: 8252003

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